Daily Games - Reset in: 5 hours, 9 minutes, 15 seconds | |
Game Name | Description |
Daily Freebies | Get some daily freebies |
Hangman | Can you guess? |
Login Bonus | Check your login bonus here |
Lucky Match | Have you got any of these cards? If so, you'll win a prize |
Memory | Can you match the pairs? |
Puzzle | Complete the puzzle for a prize |
Weekly Games - Reset in: 3 days, 5 hours, 9 minutes, 15 seconds | |
Game Name | Description |
Card Exchange | Swap cards here |
Card Mixup | Can you guess the four cards |
Freebies | Pick up some freebies here |
Hide And Seek | Find the hidden sprite |
Higher or Lower? | Can you guess if the next card will be higher or lower? |
Lottery | Buy a card and see if you win anything |
Mall | Check out the shops available cards |
Scrambled Card | Can you work out which card this is? |
Scrambled Person | Can you work out who this is? |
Survey | Take a quick survey on the TCG here (Weekly Rewards) |
Who said this | Do you know who said this quote? |
Wishing Well | Make a wish, gain prizes |
On-Going Games | |
Game Name | Description |
Booster Packs | Buy a booster pack of cards. |
Collect | Swap out unwanted cards here |
Coupon Swap | Swap your gathered coupons for cards |
Donations | Feeling helpful, donate some graphics here |
Doubles Swap | Swap your doubles for new cards |
New Deck Freebies | Pick up freebies from the decks released in the last 7 days |
Member Cards | View and request a member card here |
Select Mall | Buy specific cards here |
Stamp Cards | Find out about stamp cards here |
User Shops | Purchase cards other players are selling |