Daily Games - Reset in: 5 hours, 9 minutes, 15 seconds
Game Name Description
Daily Freebies Get some daily freebies
Hangman Can you guess?
Login Bonus Check your login bonus here
Lucky Match Have you got any of these cards? If so, you'll win a prize
Memory Can you match the pairs?
Puzzle Complete the puzzle for a prize


Weekly Games - Reset in: 3 days, 5 hours, 9 minutes, 15 seconds
Game Name Description
Card Exchange Swap cards here
Card Mixup Can you guess the four cards
Freebies Pick up some freebies here
Hide And Seek Find the hidden sprite
Higher or Lower? Can you guess if the next card will be higher or lower?
Lottery Buy a card and see if you win anything
Mall Check out the shops available cards
Scrambled Card Can you work out which card this is?
Scrambled Person Can you work out who this is?
Survey Take a quick survey on the TCG here (Weekly Rewards)
Who said this Do you know who said this quote?
Wishing Well Make a wish, gain prizes


On-Going Games
Game Name Description
Booster Packs Buy a booster pack of cards.
Collect Swap out unwanted cards here
Coupon Swap Swap your gathered coupons for cards
Donations Feeling helpful, donate some graphics here
Doubles Swap Swap your doubles for new cards
New Deck Freebies Pick up freebies from the decks released in the last 7 days
Member Cards View and request a member card here
Select Mall Buy specific cards here
Stamp Cards Find out about stamp cards here
User Shops Purchase cards other players are selling