
Stamp Cards

Here's an easy game to play. All you have to do is trade cards with people

Every time you make a trade with someone you can mark off a square on the trade card. When a card is finished, you can either keep it to get a better prize, or trade it in. You can trade in any amount of cards at once.

Beacuse each card can have a different amount of boxes, each box counts as 1 card. Therefore you must fill a certain amount of boxes in order to claim the prize

Each box is worth 1 card. So if you trade 3 cards to someone, you can fill 3 boxes

Stamp cards can be found below. The character(s) they feature are given in the file names
Stamp Cards

The prizes are as follows:

Points Prize
0 - 15 2 Choice Normal Coupon
16 - 30 4 Random Normal, 2 Choice Normal Coupon
31 - 60 4 Random Normal, 2 Choice Normal Coupon, 2 Choice Normal Coupon, 2 Choice Special Coupon
60 - 100 4 Random Normal, 2 Choice Normal Coupon, 2 Choice Normal Coupon, 2 Choice Special Coupon, 2 Choice Special Coupon